Ready to do Something?
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And join our page on Facebook to get up-to-the-minute actions!
The one thing that doesn’t work
is doing nothing.
So let’s all do SOMETHING.
Events, Marches, Protests
We know that you want to do something RIGHT NOW! We are all anxious to get out there, have our voices heard, and PUSHBACK. We will do our best to keep you updated on these happenings. We want to gather often so we become stronger as a community of people who want to fight for everything that is right for this country and humanity.
Check out our Events page for happenings. Subscribe to INC’s news & updates email list. See top of page.
Check out Mobilize for other local and regional activist events.
Sign up at to stay updated with the 50501 protests.
Are you ready to get involved? Indivisible NC would love to talk with you! Whether you just want to dip your toes into activism by contacting your reps or commit to a larger role in the group, we want to know what you would like to do. Maybe you even want to run for a local office? Be sure to sign up for our email list to stay up to date with action news & events.
IWNC Volunteer Form
Stay Educated
You don’t have to watch the news 24/7 to know what is going on.
But make sure to understand the issues and find the truth. Don’t rely on what you read and see on social media. Fact check! There are many reliable sources of news, some digesting all of the events of the day. Check out the ones we included in our Action & Education Resources
Contact our Reps
Our representatives in Congress work for us! It is our civic duty to make sure they know how we are being affected by the dismantling of our government by Trump and Elon. Do you have a personal story you can share? Show up at their offices or call, email, and post on their social media accounts. Use for easy access to the reps + get scripts of what to say.
Our Senators & CA District 3 Rep
Use Your Dollar
Vote with your wallet. Where you spend and invest your money is a powerful way of voting each day to support small businesses, local communities, fair wages, and a healthy planet. Elon and his billionaire bros have the ability to buy elections and control our country through their money and power. Think before you buy from huge corporations.
Action & Education Resources
Run for Office
Make a difference in our local community by running for office! The 2026 midterms are right around the corner. If you are ready to step up to make Nevada County stronger, we will support you and your efforts in becoming a leader in local government and school districts. Email INC today!
Spread the Truth
Get the truth and share it. Whenever possible, speak up. Make sure your friends and family know the truth and know the issues, too. Ask questions.
Who in the community is being affected by Trump’s actions? Share the truth on social media. Fact check. Provide links. Help to get others involved. Combat the misinformation. Combat apathy.
Action & Education Resources